Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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Routine Maintenance

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8:00AM - 5:00PM


8:00AM - 5:00PM


8:00AM - 5:00PM


8:00AM - 5:00PM


8:00AM - 5:00PM

Sat. - Sun.

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Routine Maintenance


  1. Oil changes (engine, transmission)
  2. Filter replacements (air, oil, fuel)
  3. Fluid checks and top-ups (coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, etc.)
  4. Tire rotations
  5. Battery inspection and replacement
  6. Belt and hose inspections and replacement
  7. Spark plug test & replacement
  8. Brake pad and rotor inspections

Over 24 Years Serving San Leon, TX!

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Preserving Your Vehicle’s Performance and Reliability

Routine maintenance is the key to keeping your vehicle running smoothly and ensuring its long-term performance and reliability. At San Leon Body Shop, we offer comprehensive routine maintenance services that cover a wide range of essential tasks. From oil changes to filter replacements, fluid checks and top-ups, tire rotations, battery inspections, and more, our skilled technicians are dedicated to keeping your vehicle in optimal condition. Discover the importance of routine maintenance and how our services can help preserve your vehicle’s performance and extend its lifespan.

Oil Changes – Engine and Transmission

Regular oil changes are vital for maintaining engine and transmission health. Over time, engine oil becomes contaminated with debris and loses its lubricating properties, which can lead to engine damage and reduced performance. Our technicians perform timely oil changes, ensuring that fresh, high-quality oil is used to protect engine components and promote optimal performance. By adhering to recommended oil change intervals, you can extend your engine’s lifespan and enjoy smoother gear shifts in your transmission.

Filter Replacements – Air, Oil, Fuel

Filters play a crucial role in keeping your vehicle’s systems clean and protected. Over time, filters become clogged with dirt, dust, and debris, hindering airflow and impeding performance. Our routine maintenance services include filter replacements for the air, oil, and fuel systems. By replacing these filters, we ensure that clean air enters the engine, that the oil remains free from contaminants, and that the fuel system operates efficiently. Clean filters improve fuel efficiency, protect engine components, and promote optimal performance.

Fluid Checks and Top-ups – Coolant, Brake Fluid, Power Steering Fluid, etc.

Fluids are the lifeblood of your vehicle, and regular checks and top-ups are essential for their proper functioning. Our routine maintenance services include comprehensive fluid checks, ensuring that coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and other vital fluids are at the recommended levels. Proper fluid levels and quality help maintain engine temperature, ensure efficient braking, and facilitate smooth power steering operation. By addressing fluid deficiencies promptly, we help prevent potential issues and costly repairs down the line.

Tire Rotations

Tire rotations are essential for even tread wear and optimal tire performance. Regularly rotating your tires helps distribute the wear pattern more evenly, extending tire life and improving handling and traction. Our technicians perform tire rotations as part of routine maintenance, ensuring that each tire is moved to different positions on the vehicle. This helps maintain balanced wear and promotes consistent performance across all four wheels.

Battery Inspection and Replacement

The battery is the heart of your vehicle’s electrical system, providing power for starting the engine and operating various electrical components. Routine battery inspections are crucial to identify signs of wear, corrosion, or diminished performance. Our technicians inspect your battery, check its charge, clean terminals, and recommend replacements when necessary. By addressing battery issues proactively, we help avoid unexpected breakdowns and ensure reliable starts and electrical operation.

Belt and Hose Inspections and Replacement

Belts and hoses are essential components that drive various systems in your vehicle, such as the alternator, power steering pump, and cooling system. Over time, belts can become worn or cracked, while hoses may develop leaks or show signs of deterioration. Our routine maintenance includes thorough inspections of belts and hoses, allowing us to identify any signs of damage or wear. If necessary, we replace worn belts and hoses to prevent potential failures and costly repairs.

Spark Plug Test and Replacement

Spark plugs play a critical role in the ignition process, providing the necessary spark to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the engine cylinders. Over time, spark plugs can become fouled or worn, resulting in misfires, reduced fuel efficiency, and engine performance issues. Our technicians conduct spark plug tests and recommend replacements as needed. By ensuring optimal spark plug performance, we help maintain efficient combustion, maximize fuel economy, and promote smooth engine operation.

Brake Pad and Rotor Inspections

Brake pads and rotors are integral to your vehicle’s braking system. Regular inspections of brake pads and rotors are crucial for identifying signs of wear, thickness, and potential damage. Our technicians thoroughly inspect brake pads and rotors during routine maintenance to ensure they meet safety standards. If needed, we recommend replacements to maintain optimal braking performance, reduce stopping distances, and enhance overall vehicle safety.

Routine maintenance is essential for preserving your vehicle’s performance, reliability, and safety. At San Leon Body Shop, our comprehensive routine maintenance services, including oil changes, filter replacements, fluid checks, tire rotations, battery inspections, belt and hose inspections, spark plug tests, and brake pad and rotor inspections, ensure that your vehicle receives the care it deserves. Trust our skilled technicians to keep your vehicle in optimal condition, allowing you to enjoy worry-free driving and extend the lifespan of your beloved vehicle.

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